PURPOSE: To provide an efficient system of conducting
COMPOSITION: Three members appointed by the Mayor. Members shall serve four-year terms and shall be qualified electors of the City at the time of appointment. Two members shall be selected from a list submitted by the political party receiving the most votes for governor in the most recent gubernatorial election and one member from a list submitted by the political party receiving the next highest number of votes.
A member who is not an elected official continues to serve after the completion of his or her term until reappointed or until a successor has been appointed.
Due to the nature of the business conducted by this body, members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests with the Board of Ethics.
CREATING AUTHORITY: Section 7.20, Wis. Stats.
SALARY: $115.38 biweekly
STAFFING: Neil Albrecht, Executive Director, 286-3491
LAST UPDATED: February 14, 2018