PURPOSE: "For the purposes of identifying solutions relating to African-American male unemployment in the City of Milwaukee."
COMPOSITION: Twenty-one members:
1. Chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee or his designee.
2. Vice-Chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee.
3. Chair of the Judiciary and Legislation Committee.
4. Green Jobs Marketing Representative, Laborer’s International Union of North America Great Lakes Region Organizing Committee.
5. First Vice President of the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP.
6. Organizer of the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future.
7. Senior Fellow and Founding Director of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Center for Economic Development.
8. President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce.
9. President of the Greater Milwaukee Committee.
10. Human Resources Director of the Milwaukee Workforce Investment Board.
11. Executive Director of the African-American Chamber of Commerce.
12. Executive Director of the Social Development Commission or her designee.
13. Dr. Michael Rosen, Economics Professor at the Milwaukee Area Technical College.
14. Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ.
15. Pastor Ken Wheeler, Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope.
16. Gerard Randall, New American Institute.
17. Executive Director of the Urban League or his designee.
18. Executive Director of the Spanish Center or his designee.
19. Reverend Moses Fuller, St. Timothy Community Baptist Church
20. 1 member appointed by the Mayor.
21. 1 member appointed by the Common Council President.
CREATING AUTHORITY: Common Council File Number 100118
STAFFING: Ms. Joanna Polanco, 286-2366, jpolan@milwaukee.gov
LAST UPDATED:July 29, 2011