PURPOSE: For the purposes of making recommendations to the Redevelopment Authority regarding redevelopment proposals within the Bronzeville Cultural and Entertainment District. It also requests the Redevelopment Authority, which has final authority to approve or reject redevelopment plans and proposals, to forward all such plans and proposals to the Bronzeville Advisory Committee for its review, comments and recommendation.
COMPOSITION: Seven members serving two-yer terms:
2 members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council.
2 members appointed by the Common Council President and approved by the Common Council.
3 members appointed by the local Common Council member who represents the Bronzeville District, subject to approval by the Common Council.
CREATING AUTHORITY: Common Council File Number 100626
STAFFING: Staff Assistant, Chris Lee, 286-2232, Fax: 286-3456, clee@milwaukee.gov
LAST UPDATED: June 29, 2017